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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back To Basics

I actually thought I had my own natural hair figured out; unfortunately I didn't see the big picture clearer. What I mean by that is that every natural hair that you encounter by looking at YouTube videos, magazines, books, and in person you may think you know how to treat/style your hair that way, however, you notice that your hair is not soft or look similiar to the hair video. The main reason is because every fiber of hair that we have growing out of our scalp whether its a 3a to 4c its totally different than the next person with the same grade of hair. For example, I had watch someone on YouTube do a natural hair tutorial and the young lady had the same grade of hair as mine and she had used a famous known natural hair product on her hair and the end results was fabulous. Ironically, I had purchase the same product and apply it on my 4c hair texture and the end result was different. The main reason why it was different is because I strongly believe my hair was not healthy than I thought it was.

Being natural for going on 26 months I really thought I undertood my hair and surprinsingly I did not understand my own hair. I had to go back to basics because I really thought I had it all figured out. I had to admit I was a product junkie and I was using way too much product on my hair. In addition I was not detangling my hair properly, my hands was in my hair daily, and I did not take my vitamins on a daily basis. Eating healthy was not a factor because I'm on Weight Watchers and I lost at least 72 pounds which I will write a new blog about my weight loss journey soon; fortunately, I had to take drastic majors and that was to cut my hair 3 inches off. Amazingly, my hair  feels and look wonderful. And long hair I don't care all  I want is healthy hair.

Now that I understand my hair texture. I know that less natural hair products is better and taking time out to pamper my hair and taking vitamins is great overall for my body & health. I now style my hair once or twice a week only instead of daily which was causing breakage.I will continue to watch my YouTube videos but I do understand the end results will vary. And to continue to read hair magazines, books and blogs about our natural roots/tresses. Lesson tip:  if you are transitioning, did the big chop, or has been natural more than a year if you noticed your hair feels brittle not soft and you have split ends or dusty's, and you are not eating healthy, or taking vitamins daily please, please, do so or else you will have to start back to basics. Don't be afraid to start back over again forget about your hair length I rather you have healthy hair than unhealthy hair. By the way your hair will love you more. Take care and be sweet to your natural tresses.