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Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012 Get In, Where You Fit In

The time is here for you to "Get In, Where You Fit In" in 2012. What stopping you for getting your fitness on?
It's time! Yes! Motivation Time! Before you seek your goal to lose weight, the most important thing you must do is to get your MIND Right! Focus on what inspires you, what goals have you ever accomplished successfully, and ask yourself what do I love about myself (self-confidence).  Amazingly, I never- ever had a good track record of losing weight for the past 12 years until April 2011. I decided to get my mind right and started a weight loss program called Weight Watchers. Why this popular program because my sister-n-law had joined the program and lost 6 pounds in one week; therefore, I'd decided to challenge myself and join the program to see if I would receive any reward- of losing weight. Surprisingly, I have loss 82 pounds as of 12/31/11. Woo-Hoo! And I have 40 more pounds to lose to aim for my weight loss goal; nevertheless, I am thrill of my weight loss journey, thus far.

Now it's your turn to Re-think & Re-focus on your weight loss goals. What will it take for you to be motivated & inspired? Only you know the answer to this question. Sweet Natural One is wanting you:
  1. Shape Your Life- personally!
  2. Stick to It!
  3. Be Body Beautiful!
  4. It's All About You!
  5.  Don't Sweat The Small Stuff!
  6. Stay Strong
  7. Position Yourself
  8. Love Yourself- Self-confidence

Below are photos of me when I was at my big and medium size





Did I motivate or inpsire you? If so, I need you to post comments to my blog. I want you to stay encourage and I know your weight loss journey will be challenging but the outcome will be rewarding. Stay active by exercising and eat healthy. If you fall off the bandwagon it's okay...just remember to always re-think & re-focus and get your mind right. This year you got to GET IN, WHERE YOU FIT IN, okay my friends.

Stay Sweet & Humble.

Sweet Natural One 

The Complexity of Being You

Hello Everyone!

This blog was written on Friday, August 20, 2010 posted on my old blog which was called, "thesweetnatural1.blogspot.com. I'm in the process of closing that old page. Enjoy reading.

Have you ever wonder why someone is quick to judge you?

The complexity of being you is so rare that some people may want to be around you or just be like you. The catch is that they can't be like you because you have an intricate complex about yourself; whether it's your swagger or personality people are drawn to you. The equality of all people is no comparison because I see the value of all people because we're all unique, such as, a rare gem. Nevertheless, in the state of mind one may think negative or positive towards this subject; however, the structure of yourself is not formatted in black or white is all based on the elements of you. I find myself wondering about my present future and  my introspect on how I arranged my personal & professionally lifestyle...and is somewhat euphoric and dismay but life is not perfect. Fortunately, its great to be spiritually grounded and to know that life is a journey and we must know the value of us and not judge people. Focusing on yearning for personal and professional lifestyles goals whether it's growth, self-esteem, career, or education. It's all about you and no one else

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back To Basics

I actually thought I had my own natural hair figured out; unfortunately I didn't see the big picture clearer. What I mean by that is that every natural hair that you encounter by looking at YouTube videos, magazines, books, and in person you may think you know how to treat/style your hair that way, however, you notice that your hair is not soft or look similiar to the hair video. The main reason is because every fiber of hair that we have growing out of our scalp whether its a 3a to 4c its totally different than the next person with the same grade of hair. For example, I had watch someone on YouTube do a natural hair tutorial and the young lady had the same grade of hair as mine and she had used a famous known natural hair product on her hair and the end results was fabulous. Ironically, I had purchase the same product and apply it on my 4c hair texture and the end result was different. The main reason why it was different is because I strongly believe my hair was not healthy than I thought it was.

Being natural for going on 26 months I really thought I undertood my hair and surprinsingly I did not understand my own hair. I had to go back to basics because I really thought I had it all figured out. I had to admit I was a product junkie and I was using way too much product on my hair. In addition I was not detangling my hair properly, my hands was in my hair daily, and I did not take my vitamins on a daily basis. Eating healthy was not a factor because I'm on Weight Watchers and I lost at least 72 pounds which I will write a new blog about my weight loss journey soon; fortunately, I had to take drastic majors and that was to cut my hair 3 inches off. Amazingly, my hair  feels and look wonderful. And long hair I don't care all  I want is healthy hair.

Now that I understand my hair texture. I know that less natural hair products is better and taking time out to pamper my hair and taking vitamins is great overall for my body & health. I now style my hair once or twice a week only instead of daily which was causing breakage.I will continue to watch my YouTube videos but I do understand the end results will vary. And to continue to read hair magazines, books and blogs about our natural roots/tresses. Lesson tip:  if you are transitioning, did the big chop, or has been natural more than a year if you noticed your hair feels brittle not soft and you have split ends or dusty's, and you are not eating healthy, or taking vitamins daily please, please, do so or else you will have to start back to basics. Don't be afraid to start back over again forget about your hair length I rather you have healthy hair than unhealthy hair. By the way your hair will love you more. Take care and be sweet to your natural tresses.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pros and Cons Of Flat Ironing My Natural Hair

I love to say my natural hair does not define me and even though being natural can be sweet I simply love the versatility of wearing my hair kinky, curly, or straight. Recently, I decided to flat iron my 20 months old  natural tresses just to see how my hair look. On May 4th I had washed my hair, blow dry, and flat iron my hair and here is my before and after pictures.

Wearing natural hair does not mean you have to wear afros, twists, twist outs,wash -n-go all the time.

Why not flat iron your beautiful natural tresses once in awhile. I did because I wanted to see how long my hair has grew.  The pros of flat ironing my natural hair is to wear a variety of hairstylesm such as, wrap, pin up, pony-tail, and to trim my ends. Most people wear flat iron hairstyles for events, jobs, or daily wear because they don't desire the afrocentric look. 

Unfortunately, residing in Texas my flat iron hair style does not like humidity. Everytime I go outside my hair would frizz up especially the ends (whomp! whomp!) I feel that I have overly flat  iron my hair just because my hair would shrink and frizz back up. I'm afraid I will encounter heat damage even though I do use heat protectant I don't want to constantly put heat on my hair. Fortunately, I decided to use  flexirods and bantu knots and seal my ends with coconut oil to reduce frizzness. Wish me Luck! LOL! Even though my straight style is temporary I love to switch it up because my natural hair does not define.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Get To Know Your Hair

I say no, no, no, to dry hair!  LOL!!!  I believe my hair type is between 4B/C which has a wirier Z pattern which is prone to breakage; therefore, I have to be very, very gentle with my hair. Since the big chop in Sept 2009 my hair needs moisture everyday. I done some extensive research and discovered what products will nourish my dry hair.  Products I used is moisture shampoo and moisture conditioners. I stay away from shampoo that contains sulfates and when my hair is week/ damaging I will use protein conditioners.

My hair is in love with water. I drenched my hair every other day and use the following oils that will benefit my hair type.

 1. Avocado 2. Jojoba 3. Castor. 4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil  5. Grape Seed 6. Almond 7. Tea Trees

Get to know your hair my friends and find out what will work for your hair type.

Be Sweet !



Monday, February 7, 2011

My Hair Growth Challenge

Have you ever had a *gut* feeling to do something uplifting or drastic for yourself? I felt the need to do the BC (big chop) on September 30, 2009. I was timid to wear my hair out after the BC because I looked like a man without any makeup and earrings on; therefore, I'd waited 5 months to wear my natural hair out in public. My first debut of wearing my natural hair out after 5 months was a mini afropuff. I was thrilled because I had hair on my head to grab and pull. LOL! During that time I was wearing microbraids which grew my hair 1 to 2 inches long. Throughout my 1 year natural hair journey constist of wearing braids and taken Biotin 5000 mcg and applying moisture shampoo and conditioner. I know it may sound like I was on the right track *but* I was not. I had made some errors. For example, not being gentle with my hair, not eating healthy, and not taken multivitam but that was last year! Woo-Hoo! We all deserve a second chance. Right! Right! LOL!

Now this year 2011 it's time to revise my hair growth challenge. Meaning that I need to pamper and nourish my hair, scalp, and body. My resoloution this year is ~Self Determination~  and what that means to me is believing in yourself and find that inner you. A co worker placed these words in a frame that reads, "What would you attempt, if you knew you could not fail?" Therefore, I want to start the Kim Coles' Grow-Out Challenge that starts from February 1, 2011 to July 31, 2011. My hair regime will consist of the following:
The following regimen is:
1. Be extra gentle with hair
2. Drink lots of water
3. Gym (cardio & walking)
4. Eat healthy *example*(almonds, berries, wild salmon, vegetables)
5. Multivitam called Alive (which packed 26 fruits and vegetables)  & Biotin 7500 mcg
6. Moisture shampoo and conditioner and seal mositure on my precious ends
7. Deep conditioning for 30 minutes to 1 hr
8. No heat

I'm looking forward to this 6 months growth challenge. I will continue to post blogs and pictures on this journey. Wish Me Luck and if you're starting any challenge for yourself I want you to have self determination. Until  then ....thanks for taking the time out to read my blog.

aka: The Sweet Natural One

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Protective Styling

Winter is upon us friends. As we prepare our mind, body, and soul for the cold chill  we must think about our natural beautiful hair. Yes! Our hair needs so much moisture now than ever because are ends are very fragile. Maintaining moisture to your hair strands will be uplifting and rewarding; therefore, protect, protect, your natural hair by wearing Two Strand Twists, Kinky Twists, Cornrows, Braids, or Hair Buns. These styles can last from 1 week to 2 months. However, do not neglect your scalp because your scalp will need special treatment whether you use natural oils, co wash, shampoo, or deep conditioner. Love your scalp & hair like you love your body.

Right now, I have box braids in my hair to protect my ends from the cold winter. I moisturize my scalp and braids with the following: distilled water, castor oil, grape seed oil, and coconut oil combine all together and my scalp & hair is in heaven. Metaphorically speaking. It just feels good! LOL!

Happy Holiday! 

Sweet Natural One